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Audience Insights • February 2024

Discover the power of Audience Insights

We're excited to announce our newest product, Audience Insights. Audience Insights offers the first of its kind visibility into your existing, competitor and potential new audiences, across all social and mobile platforms in one place. This report showcases data from Audience Insights which is mobile app & digital advertising data.

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Mobile App & Digital Advertising

Mobile App Insights & Advertising Trends from August

Get the latest on mobile app and digital advertising trends and how they are shaping the strategies of brands and businesses. This month’s Research Roundup highlights key movements in the travel, social media, rideshare, advertising, and cryptocurrency sectors.

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Game Intelligence

Global sports betting trends; emphasis on the US and UK markets.

The report examines sports betting trends worldwide and in key regions. Gain insights into market evolution, new entrants, user acquisition, advertising strategies, sportsbook positioning, and demographic impacts across global, US, and UK markets.

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Trends in the Digital Advertising and Social Media App Landscape

Watch this webinar to discover the social media and OTT landscape from Q2. We take a look at industry trends, key players, and valuable insights to help you make smarter data driven decisions.